Sunday, August 8, 2010

This 15-year old is smarter than I am!

So, in getting into my own blog, I've been diving into the blogs of like...everyone else on the net.  This is the best writing-related post I've come across so far, so I had to share!

This kid's going places, that's for sure.  Enjoy!
Eight Things Every Author Needs


  1. Very good blog, I'm happy to be a follower!

    Thanks for the link and since you are new to blogging here's a hint. When you are in the creating post thing, highlight a word you want to create a link for then look at the pictures at the top. It will say link. Click on it and it will give you a pop-up window where you can include the link in a box. When you go back to your post the name is highlighted for people to click on. Also, if you want to just do the link like above, just put it on a separate line and it will automatically highlight itself. I'm not a techie either and had to find out all of this by trial and error and hints from others.
    Welcome to blogging!

  2. Thanks so much Catherine! I'm on it. :)


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